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S.O.M.A. Aquatics USA

“Swimming Opens Many Avenues”


This name was inspired by the Portuguese word "Soma" which means, addition. We truly believe the sport of swimming can add life-long skills and opportunities to all individuals. It also stands for Soraggi-Matthews; two families that found love through the sport of swimming and that have devoted their lives to this wonderful sport. SOMA's vision and mission got developed and launched in 2018. Since then, we have impacted many swimmer's lives and have been impacted povitively by many people through this amazing sport.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to teach the importance of long-term swimming to as many individuals as possible through passionate coaches.

Mission Statement

We believe that swimming opens many avenues, because of all the wonderful experiences and results our coaches have cultivated in a lifetime.

Why us?

Because of our love for the sport of swimming and our coaches' dedication to educate themselves, we teach quality classes that are special and effective.  We are passionate, organized, flexible, understanding, knowledgeable of the sport of swimming and attentive to our athletes' needs.  We are the only mobile swim school that offers American Red Cross, USA Swimming, ASCA Level V, and SwimAmerica certified coaches.  We take our safety education very seriously.  Our education includes AFO and American Red Cross (CPR, WSI, FirstAid, and LifeGuard) training/certified.


At S.O.M.A Aquatics USA, we teach much more than just how to swim.  We emphasize the proper techniques of swimming, giving special attention to correct breathing, body position, and good swimming strokes.  Our program teaches all four competitive strokes, starts and turns.  The program excels in preparing swimmers who would like to join a swim team, and offers much more!  Our main goal is to provide life-long love and continuity for the sport of swimming.


Proficiency in learning what swimming develops inside us can lead to achievement, self-esteem and the enjoyment of life.  SwimAmerica teaches the skills necessary for a lifetime of safety, fun, and fitness in the water!

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